'Sister' projects

EC/INEA is supporting four running projects investigating different strategies to counteract aviation’s impact on climate change (granted from H2020 call LC-MG-1-6-2019 'Aviation operations impact on climate change'). Beneath ACACIA, the three projects listed below are the other sister projects:


Assessment on Alternative Aviation Fuel Development


Climate assessment of innovative mitigation strategies towards operational improvements in aviation


Greener Air Traffic Operations

Joint Strategy of the sister projects

  • Common research timeline with regular cross-fertilisation and upates
  • Common aim for an intense research exchange and joint dissemination activities throughout their whole duration bringing together research from different disciplines
  • Common research topics of interest: Validation platform, trajectory optimisation, stakeholder consultation, efficient operations, climate impacts, strategic guidance for a sustainable aviation

2. Joint ACGA poster: First results of EU funded aeronautic projects presented at TAC-5 conference 2022.

Broader network

ECATS International Association